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Michael Burawoy

Public Sociology









"For Public Sociology." Address to the American Sociological Association (August 15, 2004) available in English | French | Spanish | Portuguese | Finnish | Farsi | Hungarian | Russian | Chinese | Italian | Arabic | Polish| German| Also video recording


"Reflections on Critical Engagement." (In Critical Engagement with Public Sociology, 2022)  

"Going Public with Polanyi in the Era of Trump." ( The Routledge International Handbook of Public Sociology, 2021). 

"Why Public Sociology" (Wroclaw, 2018, Polish; Ch.2 in Bifulco & Bordghi (eds.), Research Handbook on Public Sociology, 2023, English)

The Promise of Sociology: Global Challenges for National Disciplines (Sociology, 2016)

Sociology as a Vocation (Contemporary Sociology, 2016)

"Sociology - Going Public, Going Global." [Introduction to Public Sociology against Market Fundamentalism and Global Inequality: Beltz Juventa published in German, 2015]

"From Max Weber to Public Sociology." (In Hans-Georg Soeffner (ed.), Transnationale Vergesellschaftungen, 2013)

"The Future of Sociology." (Epilogue in Robert Brym (ed.), New Society, Nelson, 2013)

"Public Sociology: The Task and the Promise." (Ch.10 in Kenneth Gould and Tammy Lewis (eds.), Ten Lessons in Introductoruy Sociology,Oxford, 2013)

"Southern Windmill: The Life and Work of Edward Webster." (Transformation, 2010)

"Can 'Public Sociology' Travel as far as Russia?" (Laboratorium, 2009) (Russian)

"Disciplinary Mosaic: The Case of Canadian Sociology" (Address to the Canadian Sociological Associastion, 2009, published in Canadian Journal of Sociology, Cahiers canadiens de sociologie,2009)

"Public Sociology in the Age of Obama" (Address to the Japanese Sociological Society, 2008, published in Innovation -- The European Journal of Social Science Research, 2009) [Portuguese]

"The Public Sociology Wars" (Concluding chapter in Handbook of Public Sociology, 2009)

The Public Turn: From Labor Process to Labor Movement” (Work and Occupations, 2008)

"Open the Social Sciences: To Whom and For What?" (Address to Portuguese Sociological Association, 2006, published in The Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 2008)

"What Is To Be Done? Theses on the Degradation of Social Existence in a Globalizing World" (Current Sociology, 2008)

"An Open Letter to C Wright Mills" (Antipode, Vol. 30(3), 2008)

"A Public Sociology for California" (Address to California Sociological Association, 2005, published in Critical Sociology, Vol.34 (3), 2008)

"What might we mean by a pedagogy of public sociology." Enhancing Learning in the Social Sciences 1(1), 2008.

"Private Troubles and Public Issues" in Andrew Barlow (ed.), Collaborations for Social Justice (Lanham, MD.: Rowman and Littlefield, 2007)

"The Field of Sociology: Its Power and Its Promise" in Clawson et al. (eds.) Public Sociology: Fifteen Eminent Sociologists Debate Politics and the Profession in the Twenty-First Century. (University of California Press, 2007) 

“Public Sociology: Mills vs. Gramsci” (Sociologica, 2007)

"Public Sociology vs. The Market." (Socio-Economic Review, 2007)

"The Future of Sociology" (Indian Sociological Bulletin, 2007)

"Public Sociology on a Global Scale" (Address to the Hong Kong Sociological Association, 2005, published in Social Transformations in Chinese Societies, Vol. 2, 2006).   

"A Public Sociology for Human Rights.” Introduction to Judith Blau and Keri Iyall Smith (eds.), Public Sociologies Reader (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2006)

"Third-Wave Sociology and the End of Pure Science" (American Sociologist, 2005)

"The Return of the Repressed: Recovering the Public Face of U.S. Sociology, One Hundred Years On."  (The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 600, July, 2005)

"The Critical Turn to Public Sociology" (Critical Sociology, Summer 2005)

"Provincializing the Social Sciences," (Conclusion to George Steinmetz, editor, The Politics of Method in the Human Sciences, Duke University Press, 2005)

"To Advance, Sociology Must not Retreat." (The Chronicle of Higher Education, August 13th., 2004)

"From Liberation to Reconstruction: Theory and Practice in the Life of Harold Wolpe." (Review of African Political Economy, 2004. Abbreviated version of the Wolpe Memorial Lecture, South Africa, 2004.)

"From Liberation to Reconstruction: Theory and Practice in the Life of Harold Wolpe." (Chapter 1, in Amanda Alexander (editor), Articulations: Harold Wolpe Memorial Lecture CollectionReview of African Political Economy, 2006. Original version of the Wolpe Memorial Lecture, South Africa, 2004.)

"The World Needs Public Sociology" (Norwegian journal Sosiologisk tidsskrift, No. 3, 2004)

"Public Sociologies: Contradictions, Dilemmas, and Possibilities." (Address to North Carolina Sociological Association, Social Forces, June 2004)

"Public Sociologies: A Symposium from Boston College." (Social Problems, February 2004)

"South Africanizing U.S. Sociology." (Published in the Marxist Newsletter, From the Left, 2003)

Public Sociologies in a Global Context." (Address to Polson Institute, Cornell University, 2003)

"Public Sociology: South African Dilemmas in a Global Context." (Address to South African Sociological Association, 2003; Society in Transition, 2004)

"Models of Public Sociology: Hausknecht vs. Burawoy." (Published in Footnotes, 2003)

"Public Sociologies and the Grassroots." (Address to Sociologists for Women in Society, 2002)

"Public Sociology at Berkeley: Past, Present and Future." (With Jonathan Van Antwerpen, 2001)