Videos from the 2004 San Francisco Meetings of the ASA.
W.E.B. Du Bois: Lessons for the 21st Century
- Aldon Morris, Northwestern University
- Patricia Hill Collins, University of Cincinnati
- Gerald Horne, University of Houston
- Manning Marable, Columbia University
Speaking to Powers: A Global Conversation
- Immanuel Wallerstein, Yale University
- Paul Starr, Princeton University
- Johan Galtung, Transcend
- Alain Touraine, EHESS, Paris
Speaking to Powers: Human Rights
- Mary Robinson, Former President of Ireland and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
For Public Sociology
- Michael Burawoy, ASA President , and University of California, Berkeley.
Speaking to Publics: Limits and Possibilities
- Bernice Pescosolido, Indiana University
- Barbara Ehrenreich, Journalist and author
- William Julius Wilson, Harvard University
- Frances Fox Piven, CUNY
- Eric Wanner, Russell Sage Foundation
Public Power in the Age of Empire
- Arundhati Roy, Public intellectual-at-large, activist, and writer
The Future of Neoliberalism
- Juliet Schor, Boston College
- Paul Krugman, Princeton & The New York Times
- Fernando Cardoso, Former President of Brazil