Critical Sociology, 50(6), 2024 

Hyun Ok Park, "Reading Burawoy’s The Politics of Production Now: On the Political after Post-Politics."

Marcel Paret, "Reconstructing Burawoy: Theorizing Migrant Labor, the Politics of Precariat and Postcolonial/Racial Transformations."

Peter Evans, "Evolving Publics and the Practice of Public Sociology"

Gay Seidman, "Michael Burawoy’s Path: From North to South, and Back Again."

Edward Webster, Sarah Mosoetsa, Karin Pampallis, and Michelle Williams "Burawoy in Africa: The Influence of Southern Africa on the Sociology of Michael Burawoy."

Zachary Levenson and Josh Seim. "Cracking the Iron Ceiling: On Ethnography as Theory."